Monday, December 3, 2012

A Night Not Like the Rest

            In one Friday night most people think of going bowling, watching a film, or playing pool. That same night I did all three with my friends David, Jose, Pepe, and my older cousin Martin. Before that day even started I was home like an investigator because I called people that I knew to see if anything good was going on. Nobody had anything good to do besides being home with their pajamas on regarding the television. After I gave up hope at 6 o’clock my cousin Martin called me and told me if I wanted to hang out with David, Jose, and Pepe. I didn’t think twice and I said “hell yeah!”, then I said where to? He told me we were going to see a new film that just had come out at the Plaza Cinema 14.
            As soon as I clicked I began to get dressed to party. My typical clothes were a dress up dark grey shirt with a black T-shirt in underneath and some black Levis with gray Addidas. I never liked to look bad when I went out because it was part of my persona. I knew my friends were most likely going to look like they just woke up. My cousin picked me up around 7, and then went to pick up the rest of the gang. We arrived at the theater and checked the times for the movie the Bourne Ultimatum. The closest time was at 9 p.m. and we looked at each other and talked about things to do before the film and decided to play pool in place named Billiard that was really close by. We had competitive one on one games till we had to leave to see the film.
            The film had well plotted action sequences that left us with something to talk. Jose and the rest of us didn’t want to go home and sleep; moreover, we laughed and said who goes to sleep at 12 at night. Then we all decided to go bowling and stay there till it closed. My friend David rolled the ball like he was trying to break the floor. Everywhere we went there was always something to compete about which made the night a memorable one.

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

The Important Three

            The first important person in my life is my mom for the work ethic and morals she installed in me. Any women can bring a kid to this world, but not every woman takes the time to raise a kid. My mom always worked hard to have food for us and never has stopped to pity herself. Her heart is stronger than any human being I met and she always thinks of others before herself. I have to force her to eat because she focuses too much on work and not enough on her health.
            The Second important person is my best friend Charlie for his competitiveness and friendship. Charlie has always found a way to make everything into a challenge but also remembers that our friendship comes first. He will make a challenge at any given time; as a result, I end up running, jumping, swimming, etc.  Charlie and I have similar childhoods; we try to help each other in what we can. As an only boy in my family I never had a brother, so Charlie is the closest thing I have to a brother.
            The Third important person is my cousin Martin because he has helped me when I needed help. If I need help finding information such as college information I ask him and he tells me where to go. Martin is tall lean and older than me so he shares his knowledge with me. Martin and I have the same hobbies like playing soccer and running. He mentors me with strategies to improve my running form; moreover, he helps me become a better athlete.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Batman Movies Saga

            Most have seen all the Batman movies that have been put in the big screen, and most will agree that all three are great films that can stand on their own. Batman is one of DC comics’ greatest heroes because he has no super powers only intelligence, money, and hand to hand combat that is unmatched. The first movie was introducing the story of how the Batman became to be. The sequel of the series put the Batman movies to break box office records on its day view. The cast in The Dark Knight were very well put together into the storyline, but one actor stood above them all. The actor that stood out was not the one who played Batman, but the villain The Joker. Heath Ledger’s performance gave people the chills, excitement, laughter, and kept people wondering what he was going to do next. Ledger stole the screen light from the Batman in that people wanted to see him and his chaotic ways.
            Kids wanted to dress like him and let’s face it even grown adults. The audience was intrigued by this villain whom thrived in the chaos of a city. Ledger’s performance gave fans and movie lovers what they wanted. The Dark Knight is one of my favorite movies do to the lunatic clown and its well organized storyline. The movie made me and other people desire to see the next Batman film; furthermore, The Dark Knight Rises was anticipated by many fans including myself. The Batman Rises was the last movie to the dark saga. The film lived up to its expectations, but I still prefer The Dark Knight film over the whole series. The only thing I didn’t like from the third movie was that there was not enough Alfred, Batman’s butler, scenes. Alfred gave the dark series some comic relief. All three films were directed perfectly.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

One Truth and Many Lies

1.      I started driving at the age of 10.
2.      I have three brothers and no sisters.
3.      My favorite sport is American Football.
4.      I have traveled all over the United States.
5.      I can three miles in 16: 28.
6.      I am currently 20 years old.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Elvis Crespo - Tu Sonrisa

Every time I listen to this song; it brings back great childhood memories. The song encouraged me to dance when I was a kid. Merengue was played   very often when I was a kid. The song exerts good vibes and it reminds me of good music. I never get tired of listening to this song because it never gets annoying; furthermore, the song is a classic.